Recovering our Sense
Our instincts haven’t been working. Maybe they’re still not.
You know why I know that? Because you haven’t been able to feel —you’re numb. You don’t fuck with wild abandon at all. You don’t follow your senses, or even recognize them. You don’t even think your own thoughts—just whatever the latest meme, or commercial or the news tells you to
Your Shadow, Your Guide
In order to locate your inner child—the hidden voice of love—you have to claw through a lot of adult bullshit. Sometimes the shadows we cast are so large we can’t see ourselves clearly.The Shadow is, in reality, a loyal guide trying to lead us into relationship with these excluded parts of ourself. It’s attempting to let us know that there is more going on than meets the eye.
The Distracted Masculine
She’s hungry For his attention or the bills to be paid or for the kids to be fed or for the situation to be dealt with or for his affection once more or for a chance to get away for a few minutes alone. The Feminine will always feel totally stressed next to the unresponsive Masculine
Knowing Your Shadow
Most of us hit times in our life where we feel limited or stuck. We feel scripted and out of alignment. One of the reasons this happens is because we have so much energy going to our unacknowledged shadow. What is the Shadow? How do we know what it is? How can we interact with it?