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10 Steps to Transformation

Sometimes transformation looks like everything being different, but nothing really has changed. It is about moving to an internal position that is inherently new and enriched with possibility. Here are basic practices that can begin to shift that internal disposition. This is by no means a dummy’s guide. It is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive nor prescriptive. Enlightenment, or transformation, is a happy accident in some ways. Still practices such as these make us accident prone.

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blog B.B. blog B.B.

The Feminine Is Too Much...

The Feminine has been told she is too much. And honestly She probably is. Because the inverse of this statement is that the Masculine has not been enough. Men, we must discover the Sacred Masculine in ourselves.
We must embody that strength, if we are ever to hold a lover in the way we desire.

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The God's of Men

While you hear about The Divine Feminine and the rise of the goddess, what about a parallel in Men’s Work? Why is it that in women’s circles its quite accepted to honor the goddess, but in corresponding male rituals, its rare to speak of masculine gods? In this piece Rainier explores the socio and political arguments behind this thinking, and calls for a return of the gods of men.

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The Need for Initiation

Traditionally men needed to be initiated into a Tribe. They needed a proving ground to demonstrate that they were safe, and could be trusted. Are there modern initiation rituals? Are there elements of traditional cultural initiation that we can apply today? Rainier covers the importance of initiation and introduces an important concept: Shadow Initiation.

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