Find your edge. Build your core. Take ownership of your life alongside other men doing the same.
now ENrolling-may 7-june 25
The ROPE is a men’s group unlike any other. Leadership Development. Brotherhood. Depth. It is an immersive experience in discovering self, building mastery, and encountering profound connection. The ROPE is an 8 Week group of men dedicated to the single minded pursuit of transformation, while in relationship to one another. We meet via ZOOM for two hours a week as well as create webs of online community through exclusive social media platforms. Through weekly assignments, activities, encounters, and dynamic experiences together, we climb and claw our way up.
This is a workshop that challenges men to find their edge, pushing into the places that frighten them and dares them to take a hard look at their own self. The ROPE also allows men to consider their purpose—their core, and to ask what they truly want out of life and what they’re willing to do to have it.
Hundred’s of men have already participated in this ground breaking event. They report greater freedom, renewed vision and vitality, and possibilities they hadn’t previously imagined. Are you next?

In each of our lives there is a time where feel stuck. You don’t know which direction to take. You don’t know what way is what. You feel powerless and afraid. You hope that things will change.
Here is what you need to know: the man you wish to become does not wait for life to make decisions for him. He steps forward, imperfectly, with courage, towards the life he chooses.
This is the work that we do in the Rope. We learn to have confidence in who we are and why we’re here. We learn to imagine new possibilities. We learn to take ownership of our reality.
The Rope is a group of men discovering resources and insights to clear out the roadblocks that stop you from living as the leader you wish to be in your world.
Are you ready to avoid avoiding? Are you ready to be responsible for your own life? Are you ready become the man you wish to be?
How does this work?
The ROPE is a unique and immersive experience that is different every time. Here’s why: It’s literally constructed around YOU! What you’re going through, your challenges, and your participation in the group. Of course there’s a structure or rhythm, but the overall content is actually something you provide. This creates a fluid dynamic where you learn the principles that I teach, but in direct application to your life!
This isn’t a dry or dusty lecture hall. It’s not theoretical or philosophical or psychological. It’s about what’s going in your life RIGHT NOW! Whatever your experience is—that’s what you bring into the room. That’s what we deal with.
What you end up discovering is that even though this is something that men from all walks of life are stepping into—from all over the world, and all different age groups—there is so much in common. The community that develops in these spaces is awe inspiring. Life long friendships are made. Through shared vulnerability and open hearted communication, there’s opportunity for each man to experience something more than his own truth. It becomes a tribe.

What other men are saying about this experience:
“What a powerful container the Rope was. I’d recommend it to anyone.” Brendon Durrell
“To me, the Rope has been an awakening experience I felt that I needed but was unsure of what it would look like. The experience has really struck me to the core and has opened up parts of myself that have longed to be expressed, worked with, and held. I would highly recommend the course to any guy looking to dive deeper.” Mike
“This is a deeply confronting and potent time for men leaning into their masculine.” Nick Warner
“What you need to know about the Rope, is that if you commit to it, it will change how you see the world. It will change how you see ‘you’” Greg
“I tell all the men who I work with—if you’re looking for real shadow work in a group container—take the Rope.” Jose Alejandro
“Get your ass signed up for The Rope. You won’t regret it. I’ve been in men’s groups before, but nothing like this. Rainier is unique and gifted and has a mysterious way about him. His ability to listen and guide you into your deeply present experience is KING.” Drew K.

What it looks like:
SESSION 1: Meeting the man in the mirror
SESSION 2: Challenging the stories that we tell ourselves
SESSION 3: Learning to be fully present
SESSION 4: Taking ownership of your past and future
SESSION 5: Meeting your shadow
SESSION 6: Mastering your shadow
SESSION 7: Embodying your purpose
SESSION 8: Living without excuses or escapes
A: The ROPE is an immersive experience for men where Rainier and his team create the conditions for a man to confront himself, challenge his own edge, and show up more fully in life. It is unlike any other group experience we know.
A: There isn’t any set script or curriculum that we’re following. The sessions are built around the needs and the goals of the men present. Every ROPE is different. However, it does cover similar themes.
A: The calls are on Tuesdays from 6-8pm PST on Zoom.
A: Attendance is required. Each session builds upon the last. Additionally your involvement is essential to the shared brotherhood that develops across the 8 weeks. While missing 1 week is acceptable, if you cannot attend more, you’ll be asked to sit out the remainder, and return at the next offering.
A: If you cancel more than a week prior to the the first of the program you will receive your money back, minus a $150 deposit fee.
If you cancel in the first week of the program after the start date, you will be refunded half of your investment, $500.
After the second week, should you cancel for any reason you are on the line for the full cost of the program.
This group requires you to have integrity and take responsibility. From the beginning. Don’t commit if you’re not serious.
A: It’s not. This group is not a good fit if you are currently experiencing acute mental health issues and not actively seeking outside professional help.
A: It is very interactive. Expect to use your voice, hear from others, and give direct feedback from DAY ONE.
You’re welcome to NOT participate—but it’s your money—why show up partially?
A: You pay in two installment’s in the sign up.