This is a wisdom community.

RELATING IN THE SHADOWS is a unique system of connection magic drawn from Western psychology, Eastern contemplative practices, and authentic relating. Drawing on years of practice in the arts and sciences of somatic, psychology, and deep spirituality, Jessica and Rainier bring a dynamic gift to the collective in this offering. Whether in silent Vipassana retreat, community mental health, graduate school, or spiritual communities, as a spiritual guide or relationship healer they have taught these skills to numerous individuals who have experienced profound freedom as a result.

RELATING IN THE SHADOWS is structured in such a way where you are able to participate in the convenience of your own environment.

The DIGITAL LEARNING LAB is a stand-alone opportunity. You can engage it from across the miles and in the safety of your own environment. It involves 4 pre-recorded teaching containers, laying out principles for engaging this work, and then two LIVE ZOOM calls that balance direct transmission of teaching, practice, and feedback. You'll be able to ask your questions directly, and get guidance. Additionally a replay of all calls will be available. This is $1500 in value alone. The course also features an exclusive Mastermind community of your peers where you can receive feedback, insight, and support from your fellow practitioner’s that are all walking this path. Finally you’ll receive directly to your email inbox a weekly Practice Exercises. This includes embodied spiritual training and guidance in bite sized pieces. You will also be given proven exercises designed to help you get clear, be fully present, and achieve balance.

The LIVE IMMERSION EVENT includes ALL OF THE ABOVE, and THEN 3 days of practice, play, and engagement around these concepts. By the time you come into the retreat space, you’ll be primed to do the beautiful dance of authentic relating. During this time You’ll be able to get direct live access to the teachers. You’ll also have a deeper connection to self and others, activated by presence and participation in this space. Space is limited in this to only 24 participants.


$777 for course and retreat / $1111 for couples

*installment plans are available


$444 for stand alone course / $666 for couples

*installment plans are available

On May 24, 2020 Jessica and Rainier gave a free workshop in which they laid out important concepts about the Shadow and the Masculine and Feminine. You can watch that workshop here and see what’s in store to come.