What Rainier does is an art form. Every truth he speaks, every story he tells, every pause, it is all perfectly intentional, perfectly crafted to guide you to what you need to learn.

I came to Rainier with my set of repeating patterns, my stories that kept me small, my traumas. And what did he do? He pulled the rug out from under all of them. He guided me through the cave I feared to enter.

He taught me how to love my limitations. How to let them go. He held a mirror to me, and showed me that I had been looking at the world through prisms, skewing my perception of reality. He guided me into my past and together we stripped away the stories that I had defined myself by.

He taught me not to chart my life by the stars, but by the space between them. Rainier soothed my soul and brought me fire, and for that I will always be grateful.
Rainier was the ideal guide for my journey. Throughout the process he was affirming, encouraging and present.

I came out of the darkness of my life because Rainier knows how to search and on finding, knows how to coax into a better light.
— Harry Liddell, Masculinity Educator & Coach