The Rope

an eight week Men’s leadership training

NOW enrolling April 11 - May 30, 2023

Welcome to the Rope

The Rope is a men’s circle unlike any other. Leadership Development. Brotherhood. Depth. It is an experience in discovering self, building mastery, and encountering profound connection. The Rope is an 8 Week group of men dedicated to the single minded pursuit of transformation, while in relationship to one another. We meet via ZOOM for two hours a week as well as create webs of online community through exclusive social media platforms. Through weekly assignments, activities, encounters, and dynamic experiences together, we climb and claw our way up.


  • You don’t want to invest in your self with your time, your effort, or your finances.

  • You’re too busy to develop your skills and self as a leader.

  • You want to blame others, make excuses for your behavior, live in denial.

  • You don’t want to actually change in your or other’s lives.

  • You ‘re not ready to connect with other men, or experience truths that aren’t your own.

  • You think you have it all figured it out and don’t want support on your journey


  • You want to up-level your existence as a leader, a father, a husband, and a man.

  • You hunger for meaningful relationships where you can express what is real and really going on, without having to feel hollow or like you need to check yourself.

  • You are ready to redefine your own limitations and master intimacy, emotions, and healing arts.

  • You want to create a deeper relating to your uncontrived self.

  • You want more than sharing-your-ignorance style of meetings, with a swamp of opinions. You want depth. You want focus. You want change. You want to be around men who get it…other leaders

  • You want to learn from a master

  • You are wanting to let go of your shame around being a man in this world today.

  • You are ready for actually getting different results and giving your best self.

rediscover what it means to get to the heart of healing.

To know. To understand. To be. These are the perennial questions. They are also the deepest needs in these times of uncertainty and fear. The ROPE is a community building men through direct group experiences, brotherhood, and highly interactive virtual immersions. Mastering relationships, embodying leadership, and integrating ego and shadow are components that we focus on.


Rainier Wylde; man, myth, the legend. Are you ready to show up for your life, take ownership and responsibility, to be present? Then grab hold of The Rope. It is the process and tools that have helped me to experience a stronger grasp and hold on being truly present in my life. To really lean in to living and actually showing up. I began to see the stories, meaning and interpretations that I have allowed to darkly filter my reality. Rainier navigated me through his program providing knowledge, insight, and assistance to elevate my perspective, and the men in the group provided support and brotherhood for me to be courageous and vulnerable. Through work and deep reflection, guided by Rainier, supported by my brothers and The Rope; I stand at a high point looking over what is absolute possibilities for my life. And you can too.


To me, the Rope has been an awakening experience I felt that I needed but was unsure of what it would look like. The experience has really struck me to the core and has opened up parts of myself that have longed to be expressed, worked with, and held, and have been amplified by the brotherhood therein. I have always been a believer in the power of connecting with other men in a deeper emotional container and The Rope personifies this brilliantly. I would highly recommend the course to any guy looking to dive deeper.


Get your ass signed up for The Rope. You won’t regret it. I’ve been in men’s groups before, but nothing like this. Rainier is unique and gifted and has a mysterious way about him. His ability to listen and guide you into your deeply present experience is KING. I’ve stepped back, observed, and notice my language is changing. I am seeing my experiences with a more objective eye rather than seeing with my perceiving eye that tells long and subjective stories causing me more suffering. I’m slowly taking more ownership of my life and seeing new possibilities and realities emerge. Thank you Rainier Wylde. Lean in. Do it.


What you need to know about the Rope, is that if you commit to it, it will change how you see the world. It will change how you see ‘you’, and how you use words. You will stop wasting words, and if you are open to it - the stuff that comes out of your mouth will be intentional. I met Rainer almost a year ago, and I said I was looking to find my voice - I am unearthing that voice, integrating my shadow, building purpose, reconnecting with tribe, burning some stuff down and building something new . . . with Rainer helping with the navigation, and these brothers digging in / The Rope lets you see choice . . .



Who am I?


I’m Rainier Wylde. Today I’m an advisor to celebrities and psychologists, athletes and authors, artists and priests. I teach and write about awakening to our highest sense of self, embodying our purpose, and being whole. I work with groups and individuals ready to walk away from the Noise and the games, and step into the perils and possibility of Reality, as it is.

I’m also a man who has lived through the Inferno, sailed through the Storm, and experienced my fair share of being crushed against the rocks below. I’ve been a manager in a Fortune 500 company. I’ve started businesses and lost them. I’ve made a shit ton of money and burnt it up. I’ve had wives and taken lovers. I’ve lived like a character in someone else’s novel. I hold a slough of initials at the end of my name—certifications, graduate degrees, and licenses. I’ve been a therapist, a spiritual director, a graduate school professor, and an infidel, a musician, a floor layer, and failure. I’ve LIVED. And through it all—I’ve discovered the life worth living is right in front of our eyes, if we would but claim it. The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. In my myriad of experiences I found a way through.

Over the years I’ve spent thousands of hours working with women and men to explore their inner archetypes such as the Shadow, the Masculine and the Feminine. I’ve witnessed what can happen when individuals drop the masks and show up to one another in the space of reality. Truth always brings freedom. There is liberation from the cycles suffering and despair. I teach individuals this path of deep inner liberation.

What Rainier does is an art form. Every truth he speaks, every story he tells, every pause, it is all perfectly intentional, perfectly crafted to guide you into what you need to learn—Harry L, Masculinity Educator

I’ve never experienced the depth of profound insight and healing that I did from working with Rainier around my shadow. It launched my own work with other men and my own sense of calling. His ability to see beyond the surface and mirror the hidden parts of your own soul are uncanny, and inspired me to face my self. I couldn’t recommend it moreJoel S, Men’s Coach

There are few people I trust to guide men into their shadows more than Rainier. If you have the chance to work with him—do so—Jeddy Azuma, Rising Man.

What is the Rope?

The Rope is a unique experience for men that aims to catalyze growth, but from a place of deep brotherhood.

The Rope is a shared connection and community, with dynamic challenge, and insight applied through personal study and rigor.

The Rope is for men who are serious about becoming strong individuals in relationship to others. They’re ready for change.

The Rope is an exclusive and limited offering. There are only a handful of positions open for those who want to both catalyze their growth and their engagement with other men.

The Rope is a wisdom community in which men find their own deep inner wise mind, and begin to speak out of it, becoming leaders in every avenue of their life.

The Rope is a chance to create possibility in your world, forging relationships to last the rest of your life.



  • 16 hours of Zoom based facilitated Mens Circling

  • Dynamic instruction around Mastery, Leadership, and Shadow

  • 8 weeks of practical assignments

  • Exclusive access to the Rope social media community

The Rope is currently enrolling for April 11 - May 30, 2023. The price is $1000 for the 8 weeks. There are only 15 spots. Is one of them yours?

 Climb the rope. All the way up.


 Thank you for applying to participate in the upcoming digital circle, the Rope, May 7-June 25 2024, with Rainier Wylde. Please complete this form with as much detail as possible. Your application will be reviewed and you will receive a response within a weeks time. There are limited spaces available for this experience, and each participant is selected based upon their overall willingness and fit. It is possible that an interview will be required for further insight.

After filling out the form and clicking SUBMIT, you will then be asked to make either a single payment of $1000 or two payments of $500 spread out over four weeks. Please check the box noting that you have done this. Upon review of your application, should you be accepted, you will receive an on boarding email. If you are not accepted, you will receive a full return of your payment with 24 hours.


Got questions? Continue filling out the application.

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